Cochi: American Malayalee Archana Nair selected as the Miss Kerala-2009 at the beauty contest, organized by Impresario Event Management Company in at Le-Meridian international convention Center on August 5th night. The first and second-runner up positions went to Geethu Christie and Bonnie Mary Matthew respectively out of the 21 finalists. Daugher of Dr.Appukkuttan nair and Latha Nair , Archana is a Bio-engineering student at Stanford University of Califonia. Geethu is a B-com student in Thiruvananthapuram All saints college and Bonnie Mary is a communicative English student in Cochi. 11 contestants were selected for the subtitle winners. The jury includes Director priyadarshan,singer UshaUthupp, actors Naren,Bala, Dancer Pallavi Krishnan, Model Kainath Arora, RafyMethar and D N Rajiv.
The contest was done under the supervision of a High Court panel. The panel was formed because of a writ petition filed against the contest by People’s Union for Civil Liberties.
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