Thiruvananthapuram: After 11 months (nearly a year!) of 'investigation' Crime Branch filed the charge sheet in the Total 4U cheating case on Friday 8th friday. The accused included twenty persons, including Sabarinath, Dr Remani and Chandramathi Amma. All are charged for cheating, conspiracy and forgery. 10 accused had got bail because not submitting charge sheet even 90 days after their arrests.This had prompted the Crime Branch to file the charge sheet as soon as possible. Two times the charge sheet were rejected by the high level police officials because of so many loopholes in them. According to the charge sheet filed at the Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Court of Thiruvananthapuram, nearly 1200 persons were cheated of around Rs 50 crore from April 2007 under the banner of several financial firms run by Sabarinath, without the permission of the Reserve Bank of India. As many as 320 persons, including actress Roma, are included as witnesses in the case. Roma assured Sabarinath to perform in a music album produced by him. She is the 219st witness. The Crime Branch had also submitted 501 documentary evidences and 308 material evidences. According to the charge sheetNest Investment Solutions was initially started by Sabarinath as managing partner and his father Rajan as partner.Later, firms were started in the names I-NEST, Total Solutions (Total 4U) and SJR Group. They all had collected huge deposits from people. The accused had also create a fixed deposit certificate of Rs 50 crore at Centurion Bank and used it to mislead the depositors. As many as 21 luxury cars were recovered from the accused and it was also found that Sabarinath had given Rs 8 crore to several persons as advance to buy land. Sabari was also crazy about new cars. He had given advance for a flat in Cochi for the use of Lakshmi Mohan, his lover and her mother Hemalatha. Seven of the accused are still absconding. The Medical College police had initially started the probe in August 2008 and because of the false investigation of them the investigation was later transferred to the Crime Branch lead by DYSP, P Raghu. S.P Harshita Attaluri also supervise the investigation. The charge sheet was scrutinized by ADGP (Crimes) Netto Desmond, IG (Crimes) R Sreelekha and special prosecutor Rajagopalan Nair. However the court didn't receive the charge sheet and asked the superintendent of the court to examine it.
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