Thrissur: CPI leader and late minister K P Prabhakaran had died on 12th August Wednesday. Dead body also shows to the public in CPI district committe office. Prabhakaran is the father of current revenue minister K P Rajendran. He was the health minister in 1978, 1979 cabinet. He brought out the rules for transfer in health department. In 1982-87 he was the Legislative leader of CPI. He was also the senior vice president of AITUC. He was working as the control commission chairman of CPI. The dead body of the leader cremated in the house at night 9pm with all state respects .
(Picture courtesy-Indiavision Channel)
ഒരു അഭിപ്രായം പോസ്റ്റ് ചെയ്യൂ