'Umamaheswara Ugrarupasya', the Telugu version of the Malayalam movie 'Maheshinte Prathikarama' was a super hit when it was released on Netflix. The film was a different experience for the Telugu film fans who were thrilled to see the 'flying' fights, bike racing, and chasing. But unlike the name, the picture was quite simple. Kerala have Dileesh Pothen and Lijo Jose Pellissery to take such movies in Malayalam. Now the Telugu movie industry also got one- Vinod Anantoju.
His first film ‘Middle Class Melodies’ released on OTT platform Amazon Prime Video can be marked with a single word ‘Simple’. The film stars Telugu superstar Vijay Deverakonda 's younger brother Anand Deverakonda in the lead role. The debutant director and hero didn’t make it any worse. This is Anand's second film. Middle Class Melodies is a movie that is made without any kind of vulgar comedies, terrific twists, mass masala, or item dance. Vinod has a clear idea of where the film has gone and how to end it beautifully. But there are also some problems with a debutant director.
Parallel to their story, Raghav's friend Gopal's love affair goes on. And the story of Anjaiya, a village milkman, Mallikarjun Rao, a contractor, and Gautami, Gopal's girlfriend. Raghava started trying to open a hotel on the strength of the Bombay chutney he had learned from his mother. Chutney is promised to be available at its 'Raghava Tiffin Center' as it is not available anywhere else in Guntur. But because of a mango tree in front of the hotel, even its board is not visible to anyone. Moreover, the nearby wasteland is also a threat. Meanwhile, the annoyance of those who come to see Sandhya for matchmaking is also caused troubles for Raghava!
There are many interesting and deeply moving scenes in the film. The film tells the story of how young people see the world and how adults maintain goodness in their world. And the little 'scams' of the village. Even Varsha's father is such a small 'Udayippu' party.
Not a single scene of glamor can be seen in the film. As usual, Varsha Bollamma is full of her big eyes and beautiful acting in this film. Anand's voice sounds like the 'light version' of Vijay Devarakonda. There is no artificiality in acting either. The music of the film is composed by Sweeker Agusti and RH Vikram. One of the features of the film is an excellent background score. There is also the problem that in many places unnecessary stretching sometimes drags the movie backward. The simplicity of the film lies in its script and cast.
Don't expect the kind of scene where the protagonist suddenly becomes a superstar one day in 'Middle class melodies' as in normal movies. The film has a pure Guntur language, so the other language audience will struggle a bit when watching it with subtitles. However, anyone who loves good movies can watch Middle Class Melodies for 2.15 hours and finish it with a little smile in his/her lips.
Story Summary: Middle Class Melodies Telugu Movie Review
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